from the "Cave Creek Review", January 14, 1961

It all started with a letter to the Cave Creek Improvement Association from a Phoenix group inquiring whether or not there was a Saddle Club in Cavecreek (sic) .. and if not, was there interest in organizing one. This letter was referred to Bill Thelander, who wrote to the folks .. had no answer .. and then after conversation with some of the village residents who enjoy riding .. it was "Why don't we get our own Saddle Club together?" Bill being the official Chairman of the Saddle Club Committee from the Cave Creek Association, formulated a "sign-up sheet" and anyone interested in riding was invited to sign up.

And so .. the first Meeting of the Saddle Club .. this definitely not a Committee sort of thing .. was hold (sic) on January 3, 1961 at Nelson Hall .. 7:30 p.m. The Meeting was called to order by Bill Thelander and the first order of business was the election of officers. Bill Thelander was elected Secretary-Treasurer and Fred Beede was elected Trail Boss.

The official name of the Club was decided on .. it's the "Cave Creek Saddle Club" .. Rules of the Club were held in abeyance pending more information on the rules of other Saddle Clubs in the Valley .. Fred Beede to obtain this information. It was further decided that this would be an adult group .. later on a Junior Saddle Club may be organized.

The original signers for the Saddle Club .. they're really Charter Members .. are Bill and Bob Thelander, Dorothy Saunders, Hoppy Jones, June Ordway, Fred Beede, Beverly and Bill Metcalfe, Helen and Howard Miller, Hank Saunders, Emily Burke, Elizabeth and Ken Buzard, Vince and Beverly Thelander, Marion and Mac McJunkin, Deanne McJunkin. Linda Fraizer also signed up to be a Junior Member.

Folks at the January third Meeting were Bill Thelander, Dorothy Saunders, Fred Beede, Patsy and Hube Yates, Beverly Thelander, Anna Mae and Slim Bortmas, Bev and Bill Metcalfe, Bob Thelander, Paul Fritz and Howard and Walter Miller. Hube Yates gave a very interesting talk on "Safety" .. and this first Meeting was interesting, informative and very congenial.

The first Ride took place on Sunday, January 6th .. nine Cave Creek Riders met at the Thelander home ..then met four riders from Sierra Vista .. the group then continued to the 6L Ranch .. that's the old Lewis Ranch .. arriving there shortly after noon. After watering the horses, having lunch, resting and looking around the old buildings, the party left form home about 2 p.m. .. and arrived home .. the horses and riders tired, but an interesting and successful ride nonetheless.

A ride is planned for this Saturday .. that's January 14th .. and will be to Tim and Margaret Adams' .. this ride will start from the Miller place ant 10 a.m. And so .. the Cave Creek Saddle Club is off to a flying start and promises to be one of the more active organizations in the village.